Trump & Gray


Because I literally no longer watch the news and have access to very little social media, I was shocked to find out that one of my favorite speakers and men of God, Pastor John Gray, decided to meet with President Trump. I always wondered who God would use to bridge the gap and now that I think about it, I have no doubt that Pastor Gray is the man of God for the job. I am hurt that he has received such backlash for his decision to have this meeting with the President. As children of God we know all too well what it means to be called by God to do things that are totally out of our comfort zone, but when we picked up our cross and decided to follow Jesus we submitted our hearts to God’s will and not our own. To follow God means doing things for His glory and not our own. Jesus spent time with the people who needed God the most and if you take a look at this moment from a spiritual perspective, this is one of those moments.

Because of Christ, we have an option. We were graphed into a promise knowing that we wouldn’t always keep ours. All of us, even those who don’t believe have been given the gift of choice. Something that we didn’t have before Christ. Imagine being thirsty and the only thing to drink is lemonade but, you’re severely allergic to lemons. I mean if you drink it the consequences are grave. Then someone comes along and offers you a cool glass of water. You were given a choice. That is what Christ did for God’s children. That is why he is the way out of no way. The ultimate offering. He did what the law could not do. So, Pastor Gray, I stand with you as a child of God. I am not going to allow the world, politicians and political parties subject and constrict my God to push their worldly and sometimes sinful political agendas. The world tells us to go make disciples, not Republicans,Democrats or Independents of many nations. I encourage you all to pray for everyone! May we all pick up the heart of Christ and see this moment as a chance for God to get ALL OF THE GLORY!